Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy New Year!!!!

Fun with Friends on New Years !!!

Nicole and Alana

Randene and Paul

Me and my hubby, Chris

We celebrated New Years Day with cousins Bernie
and Darrell, and Rod.

The infamous picture of the cousins on the stairs...
Dori, Danae, Chris, Cori and Steve

Nicole and Katherine were entertaining us
with a cheerleading show.  Go Girls!!!!
Give me a ......

Cori, Alex, Steve and Katherine

Fun with cousins...

It's Bunko Time...

It was our annual Christmas Bunko! 
Lots of laughs, good food, and great friends!!!

Christmas in Palm Desert with The Bells

Nicole had so much fun with her cousin's Courtney (13), Ryan (17) and Tanner (15).
They were out visiting from Denver.  We went to the Living Desert
in Palm Desert on Christmas Eve.

Our favorite animal was the giraffe.  We missed the early morning
feeding, but still got to view them up close. 

Nicole got a free ride from Tanner.  (I think she tried to
hit up everyone!) 

Nicole with Uncle Brook.

Nana and Aunt Diana

Nicole, Courtney and Katherine.

Uncle Brook and Aunt Diana

Aunt Diana and Ryan

The kids had so much playing with their cousins.

Cousin Rod, Steve and Cori came down for Christmas Eve.

Chris playing Santa...Ho..Ho..Ho!!!

Brook, Courtney, Diana, Ryan and Tanner

Friday, January 8, 2010

Good Times at Christmas...

Nicole and Matthew had fun Christmas parties at school.  Nicole did lots of fun crafts, and
Matthew's class decorated gingerbread houses. 

Aunt Mary, Alex and Diana came over for an early
Christmas celebration.

Yummy!!!!  Which one do I want?  They all look soooo good!!!!

Chris got these funny Chef cooking mitts from a student! 
The kids love them!

Aunt Mary, Alex and Diana, and Nicole... What a fun night we had! 

Nicole was having fun jumping on Alex.

Matthew being funny...