Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christmas in Palm Desert with The Bells

Nicole had so much fun with her cousin's Courtney (13), Ryan (17) and Tanner (15).
They were out visiting from Denver.  We went to the Living Desert
in Palm Desert on Christmas Eve.

Our favorite animal was the giraffe.  We missed the early morning
feeding, but still got to view them up close. 

Nicole got a free ride from Tanner.  (I think she tried to
hit up everyone!) 

Nicole with Uncle Brook.

Nana and Aunt Diana

Nicole, Courtney and Katherine.

Uncle Brook and Aunt Diana

Aunt Diana and Ryan

The kids had so much playing with their cousins.

Cousin Rod, Steve and Cori came down for Christmas Eve.

Chris playing Santa...Ho..Ho..Ho!!!

Brook, Courtney, Diana, Ryan and Tanner

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